Adopting A Single Mom | Jamie’s Story
James 1:27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
The answer to “what’s my role in building a culture of life?” may be different for each person. We want to share with you the story of a young pregnant woman and a community that we feel exemplifies living out a culture of life in the everyday.
When I met Jamie, she was three months pregnant with her first child. She was single and walking out an unplanned pregnancy on her own. This is where the beauty of community comes in. We decided to throw Jamie a baby shower and began sharing Jamie’s needs with local house churches and small groups. Anyone with children knows the cost and huge number of items needed for a first child. As the house churches and small groups shared her list of needs around, many who didn’t even know Jamie began to bring gifts for the shower. No one person covered every need, but most gave something. When the day of the shower arrived, Jamie was gifted all that she could possibly need to care for her beautiful baby boy. From a crib and a car seat to diapers and gift cards, every need was taken care of. Most importantly though, Jamie gained a community of support. The Lord provided for Jamie through HIS BODY! It has been a joy to welcome Jamie into our community and more recently her beautiful baby boy as well.