“Behold, children are a heritage and gift from the Lord
The fruit of the womb a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,
So are the children of one’s youth.
How blessed is the man whose quiver is filled with them”
- Psalm 127

Our Adoption Story | The Anderson Family
To our surprise we were soon matched with a birth mother who was due to give birth in three weeks. We had to trust the Lord and we are so glad we did! Our baby girl Shiloh Amara was placed in our arms and was forever ours. We couldn’t have written a sweeter story. She has been an amazing miracle from the Lord for our whole family.

Debt Free Adoption Story | The Hairfield Family
There is more than one way to fund your adoption. Each of our stories will sound and look different and that is okay! To God be the glory for each and every testimony of a funded adoption. We worked very hard and put in many hours to see our adoption fully funded. I believe when we want something bad enough, nothing will keep us from making it happen and with God on your side, nothing will be impossible. Do not let fear of lack of finances be what keeps you from answering the cry of the Father’s heart to set the lonely in families!